patterson moore butler

Divorce Lawyers Dawsonville GA

When choosing from the best divorce attorneys in Dawsonville, Georgia to suit your unique situation, consider the law offices of Patterson Moore Butler. But first, carefully explore the facts below to learn about the different types and styles of divorce practiced at this prestigious Forsyth County law firm.

divorce lawyers dawsonville ga

Uncontested Divorce

In an uncontested divorce the parties amicably agree upon every issue with regard to the division of all marital assets including property and finances. If there are children, agreements on custody and visitation will also need to be reached in advance. As they cost less and take less time than contested divorces, uncontested divorces have become a popular choice for couples seeking an affordable and timely divorce. Uncontested divorce is sometimes referred to as a “quicky divorce” or “cheap divorce”.

uncontested divorce dawsonville ga

In an uncontested divorce both parties may lower divorce costs even further by sharing an attorney who simply files the paperwork to ensure the divorce terms are final and binding. Some states allow couples to file a DIY, or “do it yourself“ divorce; however, filing a divorce on your own is not advisable as mistakes, especially where property and assets are concerned become binding which cannot be modified in the future.

Contested Divorce

A contested divorce occurs when it is not possible to reach an agreement without going to divorce court. You and your chosen divorce lawyer will prepare to go to trial and present your case; the judge will determine the final outcome. If a contested divorce is the only way out of a bad marriage for you, begin preparing for a legal battle in open court as soon as possible.

contested divorce

Preparing for Contested Divorce

Gather and make copies of all financial documents, tax returns, property deeds, mortgages, credit cards, auto loans and bank statements. Keep a detailed summary of your daily routine as well as the times and dates you spend with people. Avoid disreputable establishments and maintain proper conduct. In short, act as though you are under surveillance throughout the entire contested divorce process.

If you believe your spouse has hidden assets, especially money, speak with a Patterson Moore Butler divorce lawyer about having our forensic accountant investigate. If your spouse is having extramarital affairs we will assign our private detective to gather evidence. Capable law firms like Patterson Moore Butler have many professionals at their disposal to collect and contribute evidence to guarantee the best possible result for you in divorce court.

Mediation for Divorce

Mediation has significant benefits when compared to other types of divorce.

divorce mediation dawsonville ga

For one, everything about mediation is and remains confidential, whereas court produces public records which could be used against you in the future.

Another of the many advantages of mediation over court is that you will not have to confront and testify against your spouse. Instead, throughout the mediation process you will be in a private room with only your attorney and a mediator.

The Divorce Mediator

The mediator will go back and forth negotiating each of the terms for divorce between your room and the other private room where your spouse will be situated.

divorce through mediation

Mediation is Binding

Once resolution for the all of terms has been reached, the mediation is complete and the terms will be filed in the courthouse and become legally binding.

Amicable Divorce

Similar to mediation, amicable divorce is designed to minimize the unpleasantness and humiliation often experienced in divorce court. Amicable divorce is a brand new type of divorce which was created by Tracy Ann Moore-Grant one the founding partners of Patterson Moore Butler.

amicable divorce

Each of the parties select an attorney from within the Amicable Divorce Network. The goal is to reach an amicable resolution for divorce, division of assets, alimony, and if applicable, child support and visitation. If all or part of the negotiations break down, a neutral arbitrator may be assigned to act as judge and render a final decision.

divorce lawyers

We Proudly Serve:

Patterson Moore Butler LLC 500 Highway 53 East Dawsonville, GA 30534 (706) 603-4092